Admiral Von Bismarck Rides Again!
Be afraid! Be VERY affraid!!
This is a preview of Admiral Von Bismarck who will be appearing with the Marple Bier Kellar Umpah Band on July 27th at the Ring O’ Bells.
The much feared and revered ‘Bismarck’ will be the guest compare and conductor for this prestigious and fun Bier Kellar.
His accent is as genuine as those heard in ‘Allo Allo’. His manner is gruff, yet friendly. He comes from a long distinguished and noble line of German/Austrian stock based deep in the Bavarian Reich…. ….a pure thoroughbred of music and ready repartee. Be dazzled by his suave manner, sophisticated air and refined poise. Von Bismarck is not to be missed!
The Marple Bier Kellar Band will entertain and delight you with traditional Tyrolean music. Audience participation ist keine option! Ve haf vays of making you join in! There will be lots of raffle prizes to be won. The umpah commences at 3:00pm and all the family is welcome. Ein gutten tag vill be had by alles.

Admiral Von Bismarck